Science of love, sex, attraction and obsession (my trauma informed 2 cents)
A trauma informed review of the science of sex, love and obsession. Info that can help us sustain genuine love and long lasting, happy relationships.
Let’s Talk About Sex (And The Dangers of Not Talking About Sex)
Let’s talk about sex. Specifically what is healthy sexuality and unhealthy (or addictive) sexuality. We are also going to talk about what can happen when sex is not talked about growing up.
Did I Experience Childhood Abuse Or Trauma ? And Why This question Isn’t About Your Parents. It’s About You
Did I experience a less than nurturing childhood? (And why this question isn’t about your parents. It’s about you)
The Hard Truth About Self-love
The Hard Truth About Self-love
Yoga as a Tool For Healing Trauma
Yoga, the experience I avoided for ten years and the most powerful tool on my healing journey.
When Therapy Doesn’t Make Me Feel Better
When therapy doesn’t make you “feel better”
Healthy Boundaries Explained (and the wisdom of Pia Mellody)
Learning healthy boundaries in adulthood can feel overwhelming. I will never forget how complicated it felt when I first learned that boundaries are more than just saying “no”. There are internal boundaries, external physical boundaries and sexual boundaries. It felt...
5 Signs You Struggle with Attachment Trauma
It all begins with an idea.
Why You Cant Heal Relational Trauma Alone
It all begins with an idea.
8 Signs of a Healthy Relationship
It all begins with an idea.
5 Books to Help You Understand Complex Trauma
It all begins with an idea.