
You can break free from the grips of anxiety. You are not alone and your anxiety does not have to hold you back and make life so hard anymore. Relief is available to you and we can help.

Shortness of breath, racing heartbeat, feeling on edge, nervousness, racing thoughts, worry, fear, feeling like you just cannot relax..

These are just a few symptoms of anxiety. It’s really hard to live life, relax, be present, have fun, focus, and enjoy relationships when you’re burdened with anxiety. It can literally keep us up at night, which in turn, causes more anxiety. Not to mention the physical symptoms, like headaches and stomach issues.

Anxiety can be caused by several different things like a buildup of small stressful experiences over time, one big stressful event, having difficult experiences in childhood, or just having difficult experiences in general. It can also be situational, depending on the current circumstances in your life, or it can be more generalized, remaining a consistent problem throughout your life. Whatever the case may be, anxiety is always fueled and made worse by an unregulated nervous system.
It’s really easy to hate our anxiety and to wish that it would just go away. It’s important to remember that anxiety can be tied to the ‘fire alarm” system in our brain. This fire alarm center is literally here to protect us, but it can become a problem when it is overactive.

When it’s overactive, everything feels as though a tiger is charging straight at us. And when that over-active alarm system is constantly going off, we can be unable to tell the difference between real danger and imagined danger.

The worried thoughts can keep us up at night and interfere with our ability to stay in the present moment. In this way, anxiety starts to affect our relationships, job performance, or day-to-day activities because we feel like we can’t be ourselves or do the things we need to do. It can also feel really, really hard to pay attention, to focus, and to remember things.

Anxiety disorders can cause us to be extremely sensitive to feelings of rejection, like worrying when we don’t get that text back, or feeling like everyone is staring at you, judging you every time you walk into a room. You might feel afraid to meet new people or make new friends for fear of what they might think of you or say about you. Maybe you feel like you want deeper connections in your relationships but struggle to reach out for more.

Symptoms of anxiety:

Rapid heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, trembling.
Stomach issues, headaches, and nausea.
Constant worry and fear.
Irritability, restlessness, feeling on edge, difficulties concentrating, and trouble sleeping.

Needing reassurance from others, compulsively checking things, avoiding situations, activities or people.

Using things outside of ourselves to calm or distract our anxieties, such as watching pornography and masturbating, over-eating, emotional eating or restricting food, drinking alcohol or using other substances.
Therapy can help treat anxiety disorders through various ways. Your therapist can help you to explore and uncover the factors that may be contributing to your anxiety. Therapists can help to identify the thoughts and feelings underneath the day to day anxiety and how they contribute to the anxiety symptoms. More importantly, therapy can help you to find ways to connect to your nervous system and start to learn how to self-soothe and self-regulate, so that your logical thinking can be in-tune with your body, sending signals of safety and reassurance.
Anxiety disorders are treatable and can be managed and even cured.
Life doesn’t have to feel this hard and unbearable. Relief from anxiety is possible and we can help.