10 Signs of Sex Addiction
In the therapy world, labels are a controversial topic, especially the label of sex addiction. For some people, labels can bring stigma. And for others, labels can bring relief that there is a term for what they are struggling with, an indicator that they are not...
Co-Addicted Relationships (and love addiction)
the co-addicted relationship (and love addiction)
Barriers to intimacy (how trauma can impact our romantic relationships)
PIA MELLODY DEFINES INTIMACY AS THE EXPERIENCE OF KNOWING —AND BEING KNOWN BY— ANOTHER PERSON.Intimacy is a mutual and deep connection. It is a feeling (of being close), a practice, an experience, of being deeply and authentically known, seen, and heard.BARRIERS TO...
How To Self-Soothe When Setting Boundaries Are Hard.
How to self-soothe when setting boundaries are really hard.
What is complex Trauma?
What is complex trauma?
Symptoms can include feelings of worthlessness, shame and guilt, difficulty connecting with others, Relationship problems, difficulty maintaining healthy relationships, Problems in emotion regulation, like having difficulty managing ones feelings, Problems in self-image, like feeling completely different from other people and/or having a negative self-view, Interpersonal problems, including having trouble trusting others.
The Impact of an Emotionally Unavailable Mother (The Seeds of Love Addiction)
The impact of an emotionally unavailable mother and the seeds of love addiction.
My favorite books for healing
Favorite books for healing trauma, codependence, and addiction.
3 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Struggle With or are Healing From Codependency
3 questions to ask yourself if you’re working on healing codependency.
What is Codependency ? (As defined by Pia Mellody)
What is codependency? As defined by Pia Mellody
Do You Struggle With Love Addiction (and 12 symptoms)
Do you struggle with love addiction? the symptoms of love addiction and the root cause.
Toxic Shame (and Why It’s So Hard to Heal)
Toxic shame, a byproduct of abuse, trauma and neglect. And why toxic shame is so hard to heal.
The Lesser Known Abandonment (and symptoms of the abandonment wound)
Covert Abandonment (and symptoms of the abandonment wound)