Being here is a huge first step towards insight, change and relief. The therapy at Real Healing Counseling is for people who are interested in working through unresolved issues from the past that get in the way of them living joyful, meaningful lives with mutually fulfilling relationships. While sometimes we just need a place to express ourselves and feel heard and seen, which we will absolutely provide, we will also want you to get the results you came to us for. We want you to get something out of this experience.

We understand therapy is an investment of time, energy and money. And we want you to benefit from our time together.
We want you to leave our sessions with new insights, new behaviors to practice, new ways of being in relationships that are in line with your values and desires in life.

Our Areas of Expertise

Complex trauma
Intimacy & relationship issues
Love Addiction
Sex Addiction
Confession.. therapy with us might not always feel good. That is because sometimes therapy requires us to look at some stuff we’ve been avoiding, about ourselves, our upbringings, the people we’ve had around us, etc. We will explore what you need to feel safe enough to be honest with yourself about some of the things and to feel the feelings you may have been avoiding. When we do not allow ourselves to feel the feelings, they get stuck inside of us, they come out sideways, they guide us to reach out for things outside of ourselves to numb and distract us.. and that causes its own set of issues. So we help you gain lots of healthy coping skills and the tools to regulate your nervous system. This is how you can develop this deep feeling of safety from within. That feeling of I’m-going-to-be-okay-no-matter-what. That is empowering! And you deserve that.
We will not judge you. If you tell us you are not ready to go to a certain topic or place within yourself, we will actually celebrate that, because that is a very brave boundary to set and we respect that! While we compassionately challenge you, we go at your pace and you will continuously tell us what is important to you. So many of our clients have been judged, and often this judgment came from the people who were supposed to love, care for, and protect them. As a result they learned how to hide who they really are or to pretend to be someone they aren’t. We want to provide a space and a relationship where you can start to take off these masks and discover your authentic self.
We learned how to be in relationship from our family of origin and by the people we watched growing up. Sometimes we realize that these “relationship rules” aren’t working for us. In fact, sometimes we discover that they are hurting us. We provide the space to explore your historical relationship rules, patterns, and ways of being so you can make an empowered decision as an adult in regards to how YOU want to be in relationships and what kind of relationships you’d like to be in. We help you identify and work through the barriers that may be getting in the way of you maintaining the relationships you so desire. Oh, we also love boundary work and can help you in that department, too. They are actually necessary for healthy relationships.
Our therapeutic approach at Real Healing Counseling is an embodied one, meaning we incorporate the body, breath, and mind in our work together. We will invite you to connect to yourself to the best of your ability during our sessions. Too often people do therapy from a disconnected or dissociated state and get very little results. We will support you in identifying what you need to feel safe enough to be present, grounded, and connected during our sessions. This is often because we experience our emotions in our bodies and if we don’t know how to safely experience our emotions, we are going to try to leave our bodies. When we do this, we often lose our ability to know ourselves deeply, to know what we need and want, to trust ourselves, to make decisions, to soothe ourselves healthily, and to be connected in relationships.

If you are interested in therapy with us, please reach out here.