Frequently asked questions

“New beginnings can happen anytime”

Q. Does going to therapy mean there is something wrong with me or that I am weak?

A. This is a major misconception of therapy.. that there is something wrong with you if you go to therapy. We believe it is quite the contrary, therapy is for people who want to learn, heal, and grow, which we believe is courageous and admirable. We actually cannot heal alone ~ we heal in relationships.

Q. How much are the therapy sessions?
A. The financial investment depends on the therapist and varies between $175 and $225 per hour.
Q. Do you take insurance?
A. We do not take insurance at this time and payment is due the day of session. We can, however, provide you with a document for you to submit to your insurance company if they reimburse for out of network providers. We encourage you to call your insurance company and speak to them directly about your coverage and whether out of network providers are covered and what the reimbursement may be, if any.
Q. How long are the therapy sessions?
A. We do not subscribe to a one sized fits all approach. While a “traditional therapy hour” may be 45 minutes to an hour, we work with you on identifying your ideal session length. Some clients prefer longer sessions, which we are able to provide. It really depends on your wants, needs, goals and preferences.
Q. How often do we have to meet for therapy?
A. Since we do not subscribe to a one sized fits all approach, the frequency of therapy depends on your goals, needs, and wants and the recommendation of the therapist.
Q. Why should I go to therapy if I can just talk to my friends?
A. If you have friends that you feel safe enough to call when you’re struggling, you’re very blessed. However, therapy is different than a conversation with friends. While we strive to build a strong therapeutic relationship with our clients, where they feel cared for and supported, it is our job to point out and ask questions that shine a light on some truths a friend may not want to point out. We are trained in the ability to support you in learning how to feel safe enough being in your body so you can stay connected and present with yourself, learn how to trust your body’s innate wisdom as well as yourself, and release old feelings and beliefs. We support you as you develop a deeper, more loving relationship with yourself.
Q. How long do I have to be in therapy for?
A. This is completely up to you! Some clients come in with a specific goal and once they achieve that goal, they stop therapy, and we completely support that. Some come in to therapy and enjoy the process of exploration, gaining insight, making changes, etc. and prefer to stay in therapy not from a place of “I need therapy” as much as “therapy benefits me and I enjoy it”. These clients may find themselves coming to therapy biweekly or monthly rather than weekly. Some clients who have more distressing symptoms may be in therapy longer. We often remind ourselves that if we engaged in x or thought like x for 25 years, it may take more than a few months to shift these patterns.
Q. What if I struggle with trusting people?
A. Many of the clients we work with have a hard time trusting people, and honestly, for good reasons. We’re big believers that we “bring ourselves” and our “stuff” into therapy, which means that if you have a difficult time trusting others, it will probably show up in the therapeutic relationship. We see this as an opportunity to explore how difficulties trusting others impacts your life, what you might need to develop trust, how to develop trust, and how to practice these skills in real time with the therapist so you can bring them outside of therapy with more confidence and trust in yourself. Of course this can only really happen if the client and therapist take time to build a trusting relationship, which we believe is the foundation of the therapy work.
Q. Will you judge me?

A. Real Healing Counseling is a group of professional therapists that are also human. We believe that humans are all imperfect and we all make mistakes. We see mistakes as lessons rather than opportunities to shame or define ourselves.

Q. What kind of therapy do you do?
A. Each therapist has their own go-to therapy techniques, but overall the ones we use are the ones that produce results for you! We will ask you what resonates with you, what’s been helpful for you in the past, and what has not been helpful in the past. Our therapists have training in inner child and reparenting (it’s called “post induction therapy”, which is based on the work of Pia Mellody). We also use EMDR, somatic techniques, parts work, mindfulness and gestalt practice. All of the therapy we do is relational, meaning that we focus on the relationship part of our work together to give us insight into how you may experience and show up in other relationships in your life.
Q. Do you do virtual or in person therapy sessions?
A. We offer both in person sessions and virtual sessions. Studies show that virtual therapy can be as effective as in person therapy. Some people even prefer virtual therapy as they enjoy doing therapy from the comfort of their own home.

If you are interested in therapy with us, please reach out here.