The Hard Truth About Self-love

The Hard Truth About Self-love

Healthy self-esteem and self-love is not always liking yourself. It’s not always liking what you see in the mirror. It’s about being willing to practice holding yourself in unconditional positive regard. It’s being willing to practice being compassionate and kind to...
Yoga as a Tool For Healing Trauma

Yoga as a Tool For Healing Trauma

One of the most transformational tools on my healing journey is yoga and at first I hated every minute of it.The first time I ever tried yoga I was 18. In the midst of an eating disorder and alcoholism that I didn’t even know I was struggling with. I stood up, did a...
When Therapy Doesn’t Make Me Feel Better

When Therapy Doesn’t Make Me Feel Better

There are therapists out there who will let you come in, disconnect from your body, and speak directly from your mind. They will listen. You will feel heard. You will feel seen. You will experience some relief from feeling heard and seen. But you may have not truly...