
When we think of codependency, we often think of this image of someone who always needs to be in a relationship. I’m sure you’ve heard this once or twice: “that guy can never be single! He’s totally codependent”. But that really only skims the surface of how codependency impacts our life. Living with codependency makes it feel impossible to have a loving, healthy and authentic relationship with ourselves and others. It keeps us stuck in self-loathing, resentment, and chaos.
You do not have to live the rest of your life struggling with perfectionism, people pleasing, and guilt. You can learn how to take care of yourself and be there for others in a healthy way.

What life with codependency feels like…

You struggle with feeling unworthy, insecure and unlovable at times. You may even feel like you need to be perfect or perform in order to be loved.

You compare yourself to others and either feel less than them or better than. You beat yourself up. How you feel about yourself constantly changes depending upon external circumstances. You get your worth from attention and validation from others, how perfect you look, or your accomplishments. And when you make a mistake, all bets are off, the voice in your head reminds you of how bad you are. And maybe that voice picks on others, too.

You avoid getting close to people and keep them at an arm’s length. Or maybe you allow people in too quickly, without taking time to build trust, only to find yourself burned, again.

You feel lonely, even in relationships, because you don’t let people truly know you. Perhaps you try to change or fix other people’s feelings. Or maybe you “take on” their feelings as your own.

You have trouble saying “no”. In fact, sometimes just the idea of saying “no” makes you panic. So you people please, over-extend yourself and put yourself last, only to feel exhausted and resentful. Your fear of speaking up for yourself allows people to do and say things that cause harm.

Sometimes you feel like you don’t know who you are. Perhaps you “shape shift”, or people please, becoming the version of yourself you think others want you to be. You struggle to know what you’re feeling and find yourself double checking if your own thoughts are true. Or perhaps you do know your “reality” but fear that you’ll be shut down for sharing it.

Asking for help makes you feel like a burden. Identifying what you need and want feels so hard. You may be thinking, “needs? Me? I don’t have any!”. Or you may know what you need but don’t feel important enough to make yourself a priority.

So taking care of yourself isn’t much of a thing, but you are always there for others.

You describe yourself as “extreme”. All or nothing. Black and white. You either feel nothing or feel everything all at once. You can go from 1-100 and quick. You either express yourself with intensity or shut down.

Symptoms of Codependency

Self-esteem issues, feeling better than others or less than, or both
People pleasing

Care-taking others

Difficulties saying “no”, even when it means stretching yourself too thin or when it will cause resentment
Difficulties meeting your own needs and wants
Taking responsibility for other people’s feelings and moods
Difficulties making decisions

How Therapy Can Help

Codependency therapy can help you:
Set healthy boundaries
Develop inherent worth and healthy self-esteem
Learn how to take really good care of yourself
Help you learn how to be there for others in healthy ways that don’t lead to resentment, self-neglect or self-abandonment
Help you let go of controlling or managing others so you feel better in relationships
Trust yourself and own your own truth
Make decisions
Experience healthier relationships
Therapy provides the space and guidance to gain insight into yourself, personal stories and experiences that contributed to the codependency.
We invite you to work on resolving the original traumas, often beginning in childhood, that get in the way of you having healthy self-esteem, setting healthy boundaries, owning your truth, and living a balanced life. Learning all these skills and practices will undeniably make your life and relationships better, healthier and more fulfilling.
We will always be honest with you, lovingly challenge you and empower you as you do the work to create the life and relationships you are seeking.