About Real Healing Counseling

We have worked with so many clients who have been in therapy for years and frustratingly got minimal results.

Too often clients participate in therapy from a detached state, disconnected from their bodies, from their feelings, from the moment and from themselves.

Sometimes this disconnection from ourselves and our emotions is on purpose, because the sensations and feelings are painful and we don’t want to feel them. And sometimes we have lived this way for so long that we don’t even know we are or how to change it.

The problem here is that we stay stuck in life and in therapy.

We will help you notice when this disconnection is happening in session and out of session so you can be present for your life and manage your emotions rather than them manage you. We will help you discover what you need to feel safe enough to connect to your body and to yourself. And we will do this with you, at your own pace.

Our work together is a collaborative process.

While we are experts at what we do, you are an expert on you. We respect that and encourage you to tell us what feels important to you and support you in learning how to tell us when things feel “too much”. We never want to be operating in the “it’s too much” zone. We want you to learn how to observe your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations without becoming overwhelmed by them.
We will walk besides you as you compassionately and curiously face the stuff you’ve been hiding from. We will witness you become totally empowered when you realize that you can tolerate and release the pain. We may even cry together because it is a truly beautiful and sacred process. We may also laugh together, because there is often a playful component to this work.

While we are professionals and experts in therapy, we are also human. We walk alongside you on this journey. You will feel seen, heard and accepted for who you truly are, “warts” and all, and we will support you in accessing that type of genuine vulnerability with us so you can practice it in safe enough relationships out of the therapy room.

Although we are super compassionate, we are also challenging. We will lovingly hold you accountable in regards to showing up for yourself. For instance, you will not “get in trouble” for not doing the in between sessions assignment but we will invite a curious exploration.

We are not traditional talk therapists. We use experiential modalities that breed results and transformation, such as Pia Mellody’s Post Induction Therapy (re-parenting and inner child work), EMDR, Gestalt therapy, somatic techniques, mindfulness, Parts work, and visualization.

We do not want you to be dependent upon us because everything you need is already within you, we just shine a light to those places so you can better easily access them. We help you identify the thoughts, beliefs and actions that may have kept you “safe” at some point but are now holding you back. We also recommend some really good books and some mind-blowing knowledge.

But the point here is that we believe in you. And we will believe in you until you believe in yourself, too.

We will walk alongside you as you take the steps towards setting yourself from free anxiety, depression, difficulties in relationships and sleep issues.